Stepping Into The Programming/coding World
You need to understand that the only person that can limit you in life is YOU!
Basically computer codes are languages the computer understands. Just like humans, if as a Yoruba guy, you visited the north or west for the first time, then somebody tells you to do something in their language, of course you won't understand because you do not understand what they are saying,
Same thing is true with the computer, it does not understand normal human languages, thereby programmers have a way of speaking to the computer and telling the computer what to do using CODES.
Same way we humans have different languages, the computer also has different programming languages like Javascript, my favorite, Java, Python, PHP, C++, and each of these languages have their unique functions.
The programming/tech industry is a really booming and fast growing ecosystem, with a lot of space for sharp and innovative mind, well it requires some sacrifices, read more about getting started with tech.
In this article I want to briefly introduce you to HTML(Hyper-Text-MarkUp-Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and Javascript and their importance in web structure today.
I love to describe HTML as the framework of every website, basically there won't be a website without HTML. It is just like an engineer trying to build a house, after setting the foundation, building the house from ground up with brick and cement also translate to how developers makes use of HTML to build a website or application. Below is a simple Login page designed with just HTML alone,
Just like a house built with just bricks and cement alone, it will definitely look ugly, in general, HTML helps to build a structure for the web. some of the elements tags used by developers are;
- header- This is a semantic structure used to design the top, of a website, the region in a website that usually contains navigation links like home, about, contact, these links are built inside the header element
- footer- Just like the header, it is a semantic structure used to house elements meant to be at the end of the website
- nav- This semantic structure called Navigation, is used to house navigation links
- p- This stands for paragraph, and is used to add paragraphs to a website
- a- This stands for anchor tags, and they are used to embed links to a website
img- this is an image tag used to add image to a website
Other attributes includes div, section, article. table, br, hr, audio, video. And each of these attributes have their own unique functions.
Cascading style sheet is a styling language to add beauty to the structure erected by HTML. CSS translate to the paintings, designs, POPs and other things added to beautify a house. CSS is a styling language used to style and add layout to webpages, CSS help to change color, position, size, orientation, everything that has to do with beautifying a website is attributed to CSS. Take a look at the simple login page after adding some CSS codes,
Now you can see the beauty CSS adds to websites, CSS has lots of elements like that helps bring this kind of design to life.
After the website has been styled and structured with HTML & CSS, Javascript codes makes the website interactive. The behaviour of the website when you scroll, click a button are all engineered by Javascript codes, essentially, Javascript codes help to tell the website how to react to certain action s and behaviours from users, for instance, when I click on the "SUBMIT" in the login form, without Javascript codes telling the computer what to do, nothing will happen, it's Javascript codes that will tell the computer what to do when users click on a button or try to perform operations on a website.
I hope you learnt something from this short write up? Leave a comment and I will be sure to answer to them, Don't forget to follow me for more educative tech contents! Complete code here